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Happy Easter

5k, 10k, 15k, Half Marathon

4/3/2021 -- 7:30AM & 7:40AM

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After registering with you will receive an email with instructions to finalize registration. registration button is below.  Thank you!


It's time for the Happy Easter 5k, 10k, 15k, Half Marathon!  This is a fun run that is clock timed (not chip timed). 


This is an open course.  Please be courteous to other pedestrians, runners, and cyclists on the path.

Course map:

5k (1 loop), 10k (2 loops), 15k (3 loops):

Half marathon is 3 x 4.36 mile loops:

aid station will be after every loop with bottled water and gels. Every 5k for the 5k, 10k, 15k and every 4.36 miles for the half marathon.

Date: Saturday, April 3rd 2021

Start time:

7:30AM for 10k, 15k, Half Marathon

7:40AM for 5k only

* early start 7:20AM half marathon option also.  Time cut off to finish by 10:45AM

Bib/number pick up and check in: 7:00-7:30AM right before the race

Address:  80 W Rio Salado Pkwy, Tempe, AZ 85281 on the path near the water

Google maps link -

Parking: Tempe Beach Parking --

Restrooms are located at the park near the downtown area

Free photos and results will be posted within 24 hours of the event

All participants receive a medal and goodie bag

No refunds or bandits please

Free race transfer to a future date or virtual ​


Results will be posted on this page usually by the evening of the race day.  We emphasize a more relaxed, fun, and personal racing experience. 

Safety plan and guidelines all participants must adhere to:

maximum 50 participants total, registration may close early once all spots have been filled

- please wear a face covering at start, finish, aid station and if you cannot keep minimum of 6' physical distance from others

- all participants must sign waiver 

- we will have hand sanitizer on all tables and extra disposable masks and gloves

- all tables and all surfaces will be frequently cleaned with Clorox wipes

- no shared touch points, no open cups, no spitting

- Qure water bottles and Gu gels will be handed out by one person with gloves at the aid station

Course will be marked, easy to follow

New waiver found on pdf icon below must be signed beforehand electronically through, or sent via email

If you are not feeling well, exhibiting symptoms

of illness please stay home. 

Option to transfer to another date, or complete it virtually.  No refunds.

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